Waldorf Education
What Is Waldorf Education
Why Waldorf?
The Waldorf system of education was developed by Rudolf Steiner. The Waldorf curriculum arises out of Rudolf Steiner’s child psychology, which describes the developmental stages of childhood in great detail. The entire curriculum strives to meet the needs of students at each stage of their development.
Art of Teaching
In the Waldorf classroom subject matter is introduced to children through stories and the arts. Through music, drama, drawing and painting, otherwise dry information becomes alive and is experienced deeply by the child. As a result, Waldorf students develop a lifelong love for learning.
Waldorf teachers strive to transform education into an art that educates the whole child. There are three levels of learning that take place during a lesson.

First there is the cognitive level at which creative, critical and independent thinking is developed in a manner in harmony with the developmental phases of the learners.
Secondly the affective level at which more subjective, feeling-based learning is possible allowing the student to relate to the subject and others through sensitive interaction.
Thirdly the student is engaged on a motivational/psycho-motor level at which the active, engaging will of the learner is stimulated and developed.
This 3 fold approach results in students developing the necessary capacities in their thinking, feeling and willing in order to take their place as fully functional adults in this world and to lead a life which is deeply meaningful and fulfilling.
Why so many people choose
What is Waldorf education?
Why Waldorf?
What happens when Waldorf students step out into the world?
Why Waldorf education for the 21st century?
Mainstream Education and Waldorf:
Where do they meet?
How the Waldorf Curriculum incorporates the subjects of the National Curriculum and Main Stream Education, other than Literacy and Numeracy, or Languages and Arithmetic.
Arts and Culture
The Waldorf Curriculum is deeply invested in arts-based education, and painting, drawing, modelling with beeswax, and clay are part of the weekly timetable.
The child in a Waldorf school will learn to weave, knit and sew, do woodwork and carving, and learn to design basic patterns for clothing. Form Drawing introduces the more technical aspects, such as symmetry, line and curves, projection and rotation.
Social Sciences
History and Geography are introduced as Stories from the Old Testament in Class Three and Local Geography in Class Four. These two subjects are presented as interwoven themes from Class Three to Class Seven.
Natural Sciences
Man and Animal is a Main Lesson in Class Four, Botany a Main Lesson in Class Five, and Mineralogy, Physics and Astronomy are Main Lessons in Class Six and Seven. Thus the studies of the Animal, Plant, Mineral and Physical worlds are approached in an age-appropriate manner.
Economic and Management Sciences
This subject is covered in Business Arithmetic which is introduced in Class Five and Six and continued in Class Seven.
Life Orientation
Life Orientation is approached in an age-appropriate manner. Universal tenets of morality are dealt with indirectly through stories from Judaic-Christian, Indian and Arabic traditions, as well as the ancient cultures of Rome, Egypt and Greece. Social issues are addressed in Class Six and Seven by way of biographies of historical figures and debating of current topics as they arise.